Learn The Basic Bookkeeping & Accounting Skills Necessary To Run Your Business! Basic Accounting For SME is an e-book that teaches you the basics of accounting. Whether you’re a small business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, this book will help you understand the financials of your business. Get the critical knowledge you need to make informed financial decisions for your business and maintain healthy cash flow. Simply click the Buy Now button below and get started today!
Why Learn Accounting Bookkeeping
Without bookkeeping, you are simply doing business with hope, you keep struggling always hoping that things will get better, you don’t know how much profit you are making you are just hoping that you are making a profit.
Although bookkeeping might be a little boring to some people, those who have the knowledge enjoy the benefits of bookkeeping.
- Bookkeeping helps you identify where you should cut cost and where to make an investment in your business
- Bookkeeping will give you full control of your business
- Bookkeeping gives you insight into what part is working or not working in your business
- Bookkeeping gives you confidence in your finances
What will you learn?
This chapter explains the meaning of a business
This chapter defines what is Accounting
Accounting Role?
What role does accounting play in a business?
Purpose of accounting
Purpose of accounting and why you need it for your business
Financial Information
Who Use Financial Information and Purpose?
Accounting Concepts
Basic Accounting Concept and how you can relate it to your business
Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting
You will learn the Accounting Equation
Accounting Terminology and how you can relate it to your business
Types of Account
You will learn types of account and how to use them for your business
Chart of Accounts
How to set up a chart of accounts
Balance Sheet
How to set up a balance sheet
What is the T-accounts
Debit & Credit Rules
How to apply Debit & Credit Rules in your business
Single-entry vs Double-entry
Comparison between single-entry vs double-entry accounting
Double Entry
What is double-entry accounting and how to apply it to your business?
Rules of debit & credit
Understand the rules of debit & credit in Accounting
Accounting methods?
What are accounting methods?
Mistakes to Avoid
The mistakes you must avoid in bookkeeping, so you won’t do any embarrassing moves
What is Cashbook and how to use it?
Meet the author
Hillary A. Marcel is an industry expert in software development and implementation. I have designed and stabilize internal processes and control through an effective Management Information System. I have over 12 years of experience in data management and control in the financial inclusion industry and in the retail sector.
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When you order this book from our website you will get a PDF version. It is also available in kindle edition when you order on Amazon.
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