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Quick Start Guide

Welcome on board, you just joined thousands of businesses that are already using Tracepos to manage their retail business. Here are the few next steps to take

After you have successfully registered on Tracepos, you will need to configure it for your store. Here is how to do that

First login by visiting enter your email and password to gain access to your dashboard.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the RESET PASSWORD link to reset your password.

When you have Signed to your dashboard, click on the {click to open Tracepos} button on the dashboard


After you click on the button, your instance of Tracepos will open in a new browser tab.

Please note this, before you add a product into Tracepos, you have to do some prep work first.

For example, when you add a product into Tracepos, you have to include:

  • name
  • category
  • supplier
  • cost price and selling price
  • quantity
  • reorder level

It’s worth thinking through your categories before you start entering your products into Tracepos. This is because you can run off reports based on these categories. These will only be valuable, though, if your categories are well thought out.

You should consider doing a full physical inventory of your entire store. Create an inventory spreadsheet, including name and quantity on-hand, so you know what you have in your store right now.

Also, gather your supplier’s information. You’ll want to enter your suppliers into Tracepos before you start entering your products.

Finally, you may want to gather your sales records and look them over, so you can get an idea of how often you’ve sold each product. This will let you enter the proper reorder levels.

Reorder level helps Tracepos to know when a product is running low and also notify you so that you can restock.

If you do your prep work before you start adding your products, you will find the next step a lot easier